
时间:2024-05-23 15:51:17 初中作文 我要投稿
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  Dear Professor White,Many thanks for your letter dated 15th August,inviting me to attend and chair a session of the forthcoming 20xx International Conference on Parallel Data Processing to be held in Bellaire,Michigan,from October 25 to 28,20xx.

  Much to my regret,I shall not be able to honor the invitation because I have been suffering from a disease since this summer. I am firmly advised that it would be unwise to undertake any distant and long travel in the near future.

  I feel very sad to miss the opportunity of meeting you and many others in the field of Computer Science. I wish the conference a complete success.

  Faithfully yours,Wang Xuan


Dear sir/madam:

  I'm delighted you have accepted our invitation to speak at the Conference in [city] on [date]。

  As we agreed, you'll be speaking on the topic "" from [time] to [time]。 There will be an additional minutes for questions。

  Would you please tell me what kind of audio—visual equipment you'll need。 If you could let me know your specific requirements by [date], I'll have plenty of time to make sure that the hotel provides you with what you need。

  Thank you again for agreeing to speak。 I look forward to hearing from you。

  Sincerely yours,










  Directions: Suppose you are the dean of the History Department, Peking University. You want to invite Professor Herb Jason, a well-known scholar of Chinese history, to come to attend an international conference on Chinese history. You’ll cover the following points:

  The purpose of the invitation

  The time and place of the conference

  Ask him a favor of presenting a lecture to your students during his stay

  Write your letter in no less than 150 words. Do not sign your own name at the end of the letter; use Li Ming instead. You do not need to write the address.

  June 23, 20xx

  Dear Professor Herb Jason,

  I am Li Ming, dean of the History Department, Peking University. I am writing to invite you to participate in an international convention that is to be held in Beijing from 22th to 25th, July, 20xx.

  Since your visit in Beijing last year, all the teachers that attended your lecture have been deeply impressed with your thorough knowledge and profound understanding of the subject. We would be pleased if you could come, as our guest of honor, to the International Conference on Chinese History, If possible, would you please deliver a speech on whatever subject that interests you. Enclosed in this letter is a time schedule for the event. You would, of course, receive our standard honorarium to cover traveling and other expenses. When you arrive in Beijing, I will certainly meet you at the airport.

  Please let me know your date of arrival if you can come and tell us when you can make the trip. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact me. Look forward to your reply.

  Yours sincerely,

  Li Ming


Dear sir/madam:

  Thank you for your letter of [date].I'm glad that you are also going to [place] next month.It would be a great pleasure to meet you at the [exhibition/trade fair]. Our company is having a reception at [hotel] on the evening of [date] and I would be very pleased if you could attend. I look forward to hearing from you soon.





  It is with the greatest pleasure that I write to cordially invite you to attend ....

  It gives me the greatest pleasure to invite you to present....

  We should be very grateful if you could honor us to present...


  I would feel honored if you could come.

  I would like to meet you there and please let me know your decision.

  My faly and I would feel honored if you could come.


  Dear Professor Wang,On behalf of the Student Union of the English Department,Im writing to invite you to give us a speech on Chinese History.

  Were going to have such a speech at 2:30 p.m. this Tuesday afternoon in the Meeting Room 401. It would be great honor if you can join in our activity.

  Please inform us whether you could come. Were looking forward to favorable answer.

  Sincerely yours,Jimmy


Dear Snoopy.

  I am greatly honored to formally invite you to participate in Mr. Guo Jing’s wedding ceremony with Ms. Huang Rong to be held at Beijing Grand Hotel from 8 to 10 . on April 1, 20xx.

  As you are a close friend of us, we would very much like you to attend the celebration and share our joy. The occasion will start at seven o’clock in the evening, with the showing of their wedding ceremony. This will be followed by a dinner party. At around ten, we will hold a small musical soiree, at which a band will perform some works by Bach and Strauss.

  If you do not have any prior appointment on April 1, we look forward to the pleasure of your company.

  Yours sincerely,Li Ming


  Dear Rose,

  Im going to the cinema next Saturday evening to see Pacific Rim , and I have two tickets. Would you like to come?

  The film starts at 19:00. Maybe we can meet at the gateway of the department store and have dinner before the film starts.

  Please give me a call if you can come.

  Looking forward to seeing you by then.




  一、称呼与问候(Addressing and Greetings)

  Dear [对方姓名],亲爱的[对方姓名]:

  How are you?


  I hope this letter finds you well.


  二、引入邀请主题(Introducing the Invitation)

  I am writing to invite you to [事件、活动名称].


  I would like to extend an invitation to you to attend [事件、活动名称].


  We would be honored if you could join us for [事件、活动名称].


  三、详细说明(Providing Details)

  The event will take place on [日期] at [时间] in [地点].


  The purpose of this event is [活动目的].


  During the event, there will be [活动安排].


  The event will include [活动内容], and we believe it will be a great opportunity for [主题相关的目标]。


  四、期待回复(Expecting a Response)

  Please let us know if you are able to attend by [回复日期].


  We look forward to your favorable response at your earliest convenience.


  Should you have any questions or require further information, please do not hesitate to contact me at [联系方式].




  句式:We will hold a party on Monday,in the park if you can come,we will be happy and grateful.

  解析:简单的复合句子,第一句话就表明了时间和地点,最后要加入“happy and grateful”作为礼貌用语。


  It’ s our honor to invite you toparticipatein a surprising partywhich will be held on Monday,March 26, 20xx in our dinning hall that is not very far from your home.

  解析:这个句子用了两个定语从句,符合高分作文中的句式丰富,用1个长句子表达了所有内容。‘participate in’比较高级的表示“参加”的词汇,所以一开头用这样的句式就会让阅卷老师耳目一新。


  句式:I am writing to invite you totake part in an activity which will be held on Monday.

  解析:在文章的.开头最好能用上一个定语从句或者复杂句式,这样阅卷老师会很加分。“ take part in”跟“participate”意思是一样的也是参加的意思,但是“participate”表达更加高级一点。



  句式:The details of the activity are as follows.



  句式:Would you please tell me your decision as soon as possible because I want to see you there



  句式:I believe (that all of you will enjoy yourself in the party) will have a wonderful time.




  句式:I will have great honor if you can come.

  if you canmake up your mindto join the party, we will be grateful

  解析:'make up your mind'更加偏向高中词汇用法。结尾通常只是短短一句话带过,但是却也是阅卷老师很重视评分点,如果结尾能够做到点睛点题,那么作文还可以更高分。


  句式:Would you please tell me if you have made up your mindto come?

  解析:用“Would you”表达有恳请,比较礼貌。很多同学喜欢用祈使句,“please tell me......”其实这样在英语用法上是不太礼貌的表达。


  句式:If you are interested in it, please don’t hesitate to contactme. I will send you more information.

  解析:"don't hesitate to"不要犹豫去做......通常在外国人邮件中会出现频率很高,并且“hesitate ”是高中词汇,如果能够用到作文上面会很加分。












  Dear Professor White,

  Many thanks for your letter dated 15th August, inviting me to attend and chair a session of the forthcoming 20xx International Conference on Parallel Data Processing to be held in Bellaire, Michigan, from October 25 to 28, 20xx.

  Much to my regret, I shall not be able to honor the invitation because I have been suffering from a disease since this summer. I am firmly advised that it would be unwise to undertake any distant and long travel in the near future.

  I feel very sad to miss the opportunity of meeting you and many others in the field of Computer Science. I wish the conference a complete success.

  Faithfully yours,

  Wang Xuan


Dear sir/madam:

  [organization] would very much like to have someone from your company speak at our conference on [topic]。

  As you may be aware, the mission of our association is to promote 。 Many of our members are interested in the achievements your company has made in 。

  Enclosed is our preliminary schedule for the conference which will be

  reviewed in weeks. Ill call you [date] to see who from your company would be willing to speak to us. I can assure you that well make everything convenient to the speaker.

  Sincerely yours,[name]


Dear Mike,

This Saturday is my birthday and my parents will hold a simple celebrating party for me. I am glad to invite you to come to the party. Blair, Emma and Roan will also be invited. I am sure we will have a good time.

  We will have dinner at 18:30 so that you are wished to come at 18:15. My mother is a good cook and you will enjoy the dishes.

  After the dinner, we will play some small games and then eat the cake. My parents and I sincerely expect you to come and hope to see you then.

  True yours,Daniel





Dear friend,

  long time no see,how are you does everthing go well?this weekend,we will have a picnic in Zhongshan Park,and wish you could join in us,we will do some sports,play some games,and eat toghter.would you like to join in us?please tell me before friday if you could come,if you are free on sunday,plese come to my school before 8:00 clock,then we will go to the park together.i really hope you could come.

  best wishes




Dear sir/madam:

  Im delighted you have accepted our invitation to speak at the Conference in [city] on [date]。

  As we agreed, youll be speaking on the topic from [time] to [time]。 There will be an additional minutes for questions.

  Would you please tell me what kind of audio-visual equipment youll need. If you could let me know your specific requirements by [date], Ill have plenty of time to make sure that the hotel provides you with what you need.

  Thank you again for agreeing to speak. I look forward to hearing from you.

  Sincerely yours,[name]









